1,2,3 Action!

Make sure your directions are clear about the next steps for you and your team:

Employee said:

“Boss told me that as a security guard, it’s my job to watch the office. I’m on season 6 but I’m not really sure what it’s got to do with security.”

“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

Once you have clearly identified the possible solutions to remove the obstacles, begin writing down all of the action steps for the solutions.This may seem tedious and time consuming, however you will be able to see clearly what needs to be done, by when and by whom. This is the key to successfully achieving the goal or vision of the future state.
You will notice that some of the actions may be better served to be carried out for someone else. You can delegate these and if you are working with a team, you can show them what you are trying to accomplish overall and why. This will help them get on board with the actions to be taken.
Carefully, plan out each action step by timing what needs to go first and then in order put dates on those action steps. This will be your “To Do” list for the goal. 
Next time we will talk about how to weave these actions into your daily life!

Happy action step setting!