
What To Do Next?

So, times have changed. The market has changed. The way your industry does business has changed. You maybe asking yourself, “what should I do next?” Well, the first thing you should do is nothing. That is right, I said nothing. Step back and write down all that is going on. List your opportunities for growth. List your possible obstacles to those opportunities. Discover what possible solutions would there be to overcome those obstacles. Then list your actions and put them in chronological order based on the highest priority opportunity. Review your plan weekly. Make adjustments and move forward.

Have They Forgotten The Vision?

Recasting The Vision Revitalizes The Team “The greatest leaders mobilize others by coalescing people around a shared vision.” – Ken Blanchard As I think about

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Addition by Subtraction

Eliminate all unnecessary things in your life. “The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.” –

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The Success Formula

Behind every successful student there is a deactivated Facebook account. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that

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How To Get Things Done!

It is astonishing how long it takes to finish something you’re not working on. “You can do anything, but not everything.” -David Allen Over the

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The Value of Values

Value and price are similar, but no one taxes you for raising your values. Continuing the subject of values, let’s talk about how they drive

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Sharpen Your Saw

“Believe in yourself, if cauliflower can become Pizza, you can become anything you choose!” “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening my ax.” – Abraham Lincoln In Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People”  one of those habits is “Sharpening the Saw” The quote from Abraham Lincoln above gives us a lot of wisdom. Sometimes we need to step back and spend time in improving who we are instead of always plowing forward in haste. This is especially true if we are having difficulty in accomplishing something. Maybe we

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Total Gratitude Analysis

During this week of Thanksgiving, many will give pause and gather as family and friends. They will often indulge in feasting and give thanks for family and friends as well as the many blessings that have been bestowed upon them. I would like to take this opportunity to challenge each of you to really do an analysis of what you could or should be thankful for in each area of your life. Examine the following areas;  Family and FriendsBe thankful for all who have been influential in your life. It is easy to be thankful for those we are close

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Aptitude or Attitude

    “Just because I know I could get more  done if I got up earlier doesn’t mean  I have any intention of trying it.” “Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude.” -Ralph Marston Both aptitude and attitude are important, but their significance can vary depending on the context and the specific requirements of a situation. Aptitude:  – Aptitude refers to a person’s inherent ability, talent, or natural capacity to learn and perform certain tasks.  – In professional settings, aptitude is often crucial, especially in roles that require specific skills, knowledge, or technical expertise.  – For example, in fields

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Executioner or Executor?

A football coach was heading off the field after a terrible loss and a reporter asked him, “How do you feel about your team’s execution?”He said, “I’m in favor of it.” “Ideas are easy. It’s the execution of ideas that really separates the sheep from the goats.” -Sue Grafton As a leader are you more likely to be an Executioner of those who fail to deliver or are you a service-style leader who is more of an Executor of what needs to be carried out. Executing a plan involves systematically carrying out the steps or actions laid out in the

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Communicating The Vision

A man walks into an eye clinic.Man: I think my vision is blurry and I may need glasses.Associate: Oh you need glasses for sure!Man: (perplexed) how can you know that without testing me?Associate: Because this is a bank, Sir. “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” -Warren Bennis Communicating a vision effectively involves clearly articulating the overarching purpose, goals, and direction of an organization, a project, or an idea. Here are some key steps to effectively communicate a vision: Clarity and Simplicity: Express the vision in clear, simple, and understandable terms. Avoid jargon and use language that resonates

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