
What To Do Next?

So, times have changed. The market has changed. The way your industry does business has changed. You maybe asking yourself, “what should I do next?” Well, the first thing you should do is nothing. That is right, I said nothing. Step back and write down all that is going on. List your opportunities for growth. List your possible obstacles to those opportunities. Discover what possible solutions would there be to overcome those obstacles. Then list your actions and put them in chronological order based on the highest priority opportunity. Review your plan weekly. Make adjustments and move forward.

Have They Forgotten The Vision?

Recasting The Vision Revitalizes The Team “The greatest leaders mobilize others by coalescing people around a shared vision.” – Ken Blanchard As I think about

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Addition by Subtraction

Eliminate all unnecessary things in your life. “The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.” –

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The Success Formula

Behind every successful student there is a deactivated Facebook account. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that

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How To Get Things Done!

It is astonishing how long it takes to finish something you’re not working on. “You can do anything, but not everything.” -David Allen Over the

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The Value of Values

Value and price are similar, but no one taxes you for raising your values. Continuing the subject of values, let’s talk about how they drive

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Reverse Engineering

What’s the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer?Mechanical engineers build weapons; civil engineers build targets. “Writers acquire their technique by spotting, savoring, and reverse-engineering examples of good prose.” -Steven Pinker Now that you have set your vision of what you want and visualized actually attaining that reality, it is time to figure out what steps to take in order to achieve it. Reverse-engineering is a method that helps us see what steps we need to take in order to achieve the goal. So, start with the actual destination. Then think what step would have been taken right

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Is Your Vision Clear?

Husband-  “Do you really think I need glasses? I think I am doing pretty well.” Wife-  “Considering you are putting Preparation H on your toothbrush, I do think you NEED! Glasses. And I don’t think that is going to work to keep you from being such an ar#$$, if that is what you are thinking. “I think the greatest gift God ever gave man is no the gift of sight but the gift of vision. Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision a function of the heart.” -Myles Munroe What is your vision for your future? Your organization? Your family? Your

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Build Your Truth

After doing much soul searching, consulting clients and others along with some deep thinking about “what it is” that I actually do for my clients it is that I help them find “their truth”.  I started playing with the concept to build a new brand other than Eric A. Merz Consulting. So, the concept was that it was “your truth”, not mine or anyone else. I looked up the words for truth and yours in latin and it was veritas and tua. After playing around with them and working with my branding coach Dave Plivelich of Marcom Branding, we settled

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Surviving The Covid 19 Pandemic: Take A Step Back Before Leaning In

Terror. That is what I am seeing all around me. Doubt, fear, uncertainty. Many people and businesses stopped cold right around Friday the 13th of March. I know my business activities changed drastically with the orders to stay in and social distancing. There were no more group settings to network or deliver value. No more face to face meetings were being scheduled. If you are feeling the pressure in your life and your business, now is not the time to step back. It is time to step up. Get creative. Reinvent you and your business now. The challenge is that

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Kick Start Your Marketing

Today I’d like to teach you about the three most important start up marketing tools you need to get and keep new customers. In person: It’s essential you meet with customers/clients in person whenever possible. This shows you respect them and take the time to work with your clients to give personal attention to each of them. Follow up letter: Always take a moment to send a follow up letter about what you talked about, new agreements or partnerships made and to thank them for taking the time to meet with you. Likewise, you should always send thank you letters

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