Build Your Truth

After doing much soul searching, consulting clients and others along with some deep thinking about “what it is” that I actually do for my clients it is that I help them find “their truth”.  I started playing with the concept to build a new brand other than Eric A. Merz Consulting. So, the concept was that it was “your truth”, not mine or anyone else. I looked up the words for truth and yours in latin and it was veritas and tua. After playing around with them and working with my branding coach Dave Plivelich of Marcom Branding, we settled on Vertua Coaching. Thus, was born.

Thus, I am on a mission to help my clients discover their truth. What is it they want to accomplish? Why do they want to accomplish it? What is important to them? Who do they want to do those things with? Who is going along with them on the journey? What truths about themselves are relevant to the achievement of their vision? What might get in the way of their truth seeking? What is it going to look like, when they have achieved their true vision? How will they feel on the journey and beyond it? These are just some of the questions necessary to help the clients achieve their vision and mission.

As I continue on this mission, I will explore finding “your truth” in many different areas of a business’ path to success. In the areas of marketing, accounting, operations, finance, personnel, systems, time management, and sales we will break down the processes to finding “your truth (veritas tua)”, to pursue your vision.