“My wife just accused me of having zero empathy.
I can’t understand why she feels that way.”
“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”
-Henry David Thoreau
Why is it important to understand others? Well, humans have a basic need to be “heard”. We all need someone or many people to listen to what we have to say, understand how we are feeling and what our goals are. We want to feel that we belong to something larger than ourselves. We want others who care for us. We could sum it up with “we all need to feel loved.” Part of being loved is being understood.
When it comes to employees or fellow workers the need for empathy is important. Understanding what the other person in your company or department needs or wants will go a long way in building healthy working relationships. We have all experienced the “fake” or “non-existent” connections that people make in the workplace. People say the right words but do not show the actions or body language to back up the understanding. Empathy does not mean we give in to every whim or concern. It is simply that we acknowledge where the other person is coming from and why. In order to practice a higher level of empathy, try these tips out:
- Practice active listening. (more on this in a late edition)
- Look for non-verbal clues.
- Ask open-ended questions and shut up.
- Show curiosity.
- Educate yourself about others and their cultures or backgrounds.
- Avoid judging
There are more things we could work on, but this is enough to get going. I think most would agree that if we all empathized more we would be able to accomplish more in our organizations and lives.
I hope you understand where I am coming from!