If you ever think that you have no purpose in life.
Just remember, there is a guy at the bmw factory installing turn signals.
"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction"
-John F. Kennedy
Whether you’re talking about self leadership or the leadership of a team stating the purpose of your organization is the first step towards creating a clear Vision. You want to think about who the stakeholders are that you want to affect in the future. What impact do you want to leave on this planet, your organization, the community or your family? Think about how you will actually make that happen. This will be the first step to creating a long-term vision for yourself or the organization. You’re creating this purpose will be critical in the success of yourself and your organization as it will be your Guiding Light towards your North Star. Think about your purpose statement as a magnetic compass that always brings you back on track when you get off track. It’s easy to get off track with all the distractions in this world. So when you do get off track you simply go back to your purpose statement and make sure that you’re aligned with that in your actions.That is if you’re on track to go towards that it will make decision making easier along your path.
You know an example of a purpose statement would be exemplified with Starbucks’ purpose statement which is; “to inspire and nurture the human Spirit one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”
With this clear purpose statement it’s easy for customers and their employees to see what they’re all about. It’s about the experience. My purpose is to help thousands of entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and goals with options.Sending out these newsletters is one of the ways that I’m going to help achieve this purpose. So, when you create your purpose statement make sure that it includes what’s going to be happening when you reach that point. How will it feel to those involved? It is important to understand how it will really feel when you’re achieving your purpose. How will other people be feeling when you’re achieving your purpose.? You should jot down those feelings and you can use this script of those feelings for future evaluation of how well you’re achieving your purpose. Remember, that emotions sell not logic. so we need to sell ourselves by using our own emotions. Who will be there when you’re achieving your purpose? What will they be doing? Will there be special benefits to that community, society or to your family? This fundamental purpose statement works whether we’re talking about a family, a community, an organization in business or a nonprofit. It doesn’t really matter. Make your purpose clear. write down some things that you want to be happening in your long-term future. These can be about your family, your community, your church, your coworkers, your customers, your vendors and the country you live in. It doesn’t really matter.
Exercise- Answer these questions
- What is the impact you want to have in the world?
- Who will be affected?
- What emotions will be present?
- What actions will be necessary?
- Create your purpose statement?
Happy Purpose Setting!