A mime once nearly had me convinced that a wall was actually there…
…but it was just an obstacle illusion.
“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”
-Roger Crawford
Inevitably, once you begin your journey towards your vision you will encounter obstacles. Ever since the Garden of Eden mankind has encountered obstacles to living the life he or she wants. Not to worry. The first step to achieving any goal is to clearly identify and describe what the actual obstacles are or may be. Exhaust your brain with anything that could get in your way. Things such as time, money, energy, cooperation of others, skills, knowledge, and attitude may be included. Write all of those down. Next, identify for each obstacles what the possible solutions could be. For example, if our obstacle was “time” we could create a schedule or delegate tasks to others. Once you have identified all of the possible solutions, jot down actions that need to be taken. We will go more into this next time.
But first, the most critical thing is to identify all of the obstacles.
Some things to think about:
- What internal obstacles might there be?
- What external obstacles might there be?
- What do you have control of?
- What is out of your control?
- From your past, what could pop up as an obstacle?
- What have others experienced as obstacles before?
Happy “Obstacle” hunting!