My landlord yelled at me today because my heating bill is through the roof and that he’s going to have to come over soon to discuss a solution.
I told him my door is always open.
“If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.”
-Steve Jobs
The quote above by Steve Jobs points to the fact that if we have really done our homework on solutions to removing those obstacles. The reason we want to create multiple possible solutions is that we are not always sure what will work the best. There are things to consider finding all the “real” obstacles to achieving our goals or vision it will be fairly easy to solve the problem. So, for those following along these past few weeks, hopefully no shortcuts were taken on finding the obstacles.
Once we have clearly identified the obstacles we want to make sure we list all of the possible such as timing, time to invest, other resources and skill sets to mention a few.
Once you have identified all of the possible solutions for each obstacle you can pick out the ones that you think will work best and work best together in concert with other solutions. This process will help you understand the problem at a deeper level and usually leads to very clear action steps. We will cover those in our next writing.
- Find multiple possible solutions for each obstacle
- Determine which solutions will work best
- Consider how these solutions will work together
Find those solutions!