The Success Formula

Behind every successful student there is a deactivated Facebook account.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.”

If we want improvements in our lives there is a simple formula (see below). Don’t worry, there will be no math quizzes in this session.

If we want improved results, we have to have a behavior change. The behavior change needs to be aligned with our goals. So we need to set clear goals (more on this later). Then, we need to ask ourselves if we have the skills and knowledge to complete those goals. What things do we need to know in order to achieve the tasks of completing our goals? What skills might we need to obtain in order to get those things accomplished? And finally, we have to ask ourselves “why?” Do we want to attain this goal? What is our attitude or belief around this goal and thing we are trying to accomplish? If the “why” is big enough, we will figure out “how”. 


What are the results you are seeking?

What behaviors must you change to get those results?

Are your goals clear and specific?

What new things do you need to learn or how to do?

What is your attitude about your goals?


Test the Success Formula for yourself!