Total Gratitude Analysis

During this week of Thanksgiving, many will give pause and gather as family and friends. They will often indulge in feasting and give thanks for family and friends as well as the many blessings that have been bestowed upon them. I would like to take this opportunity to challenge each of you to really do an analysis of what you could or should be thankful for in each area of your life.

Examine the following areas;

Family and Friends
Be thankful for all who have been influential in your life. It is easy to be thankful for those we are close to and feel great affection for. However, I challenge you to be thankful for those who may have had a negative impact on you. These negative or difficult experiences have made us who we are to this point. Who do you need to thank that will not expect your gratitude?

Social and Community
Be thankful for the community you live in. Remember those who helped raise you through their community service. Remember those organizations you have and are a part of. These help you belong to your part of the world. What difference can you make in your community?

We live with an extreme abundance if you look throughout history. Yes, we have many “first world” problems. But there can be no denying that as a society in general we have way much more than we need and some have been blessed with financial security. Though some in our society struggle financially, as a nation we have plenty to share and support others. How can you help others in this area?

We have been both blessed and cursed with so much information and learning at our fingertips. What are you thankful for in regards to what you have been able to learn and understand? How has that blessed you and your family?

Most men and women no longer do hard physical work these days due to modern inventions and improvements. However, there are so many opportunities and knowledge to improve our health. Every day we get up and breathe we can be thankful for that in whatever state we are in. How can you improve your health to better serve your neighbor?

For those in America we enjoy the freedom to worship as we please. Our connection to our Creator through prayer and worship is truly a blessing in our lives.What is your relationship with God? How might you show gratitude for the love and mercy shown to you? How can you share that faith with others?


I hope this examination blesses you in this time of reflection and Thanksgiving!